Okay, this will be a blog dedicated to creativity and interesting
things! So, I'll begin by sharing some of the beautiful friendship books
I made recently. Some of you will ask, "what is a 'friendship book'?"
Well, they are usually small booklets that travel from one person to the
next via traditional post, not email. I have seen great variety in my long years of swapping, varying from simple sheets of paper to
super-elaborate booklets with highly decorated covers. The idea is
the same behind it: one makes a friendship book either for
themselves, or someone else. They are the "makers", and if the fb is
made for themselves, the "owners" as well. They add their name and
address and their hobbies, info on what they collect, etc. Then they pass it on to someone
they exchange letters with. That person adds their information too and
likewise pass it on. When the entire space, if it is a sheet, or all the
pages, if it is a booklet, are filled, the last person must post it back
to the owner. Unfortunately, most fbs never make it home. Some people
keep, or destroy fbs; sometimes (but not as often as you think!) the
post office helps by making an entire envelope of them vanish. And other times people themselves make the task of returning an fb
impossible, either because the address is unreadable, or wrong, or they
have moved, or it is an email address that no longer works. Perhaps at
some point I'll write more on this. For now, I'll just put some pictures
of my recent batch of High Quality (highly decorated) fbs here. I often
use pictures of artists, singers etc as my inspiration. Enjoy.
Vampire HQ fb |
Gackt HQ fb #1 |
Gackt HQ fb #2 |
Dir en Grey HQ fb |
Atsushi Sakurai HQ fb |
Yoshiki (X-Japan) HQ fb |