Sunday 27 May 2018

Three witches

I found the stunning cover picture in an advertisement for Gala Nocturna. It was love at first sight! The three women are most likely dancers/ performers for the evening, but inspiration has its own laws and the mind is amazing at making associations and leaps and giving new meaning. So for me they are witches performing a ritual, and that was that. 

I'm very happy with how this friendship book turned out. This is the front:
To see a larger version of the picture: click on the picture, then right mouse click, choose View Image and press the little magnifying glass.

The inside: 
(Yes, the white and purple hearts at the top are from fabric!) 

The back:
Made while watching Peaky Blinders, which unfortunately I found too slow for my liking. More fbs will follow soon!
Oh, and by the way! Today was the birthday of both Christopher Lee and Vincent Price (27/5). I guess uploading a witch fb is very appropriate... 👿
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Thursday 10 May 2018

Pink is the nicest colour

I don't know what other people say, but for me pink is downright gorgeous. (After black and purple, of course. Let's not forget I am primarily a black-loving person). It looks good on most people and it is a very easy-going colour. It can be combined with a lot of other hues. This can serve as an explanation why I was so tickled to do the following fb. 😀 The metal key was a nice touch, too.

To see a larger version of the picture: click on the picture, then right mouse click, choose View Image and press the little magnifying glass.

 Again I had to use non-sticky plastic for this fb as the embellishments are bulky. Here is the inside:

 And the back:

The model can be found here. He's quite feminine, but then again, this should come as no surprise, as I love androgynous and gender fluid individuals. (See three zillion Tokio Hotel fbs in my previous entries. 😉) 
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